Our Moulding Presses Are Heavy Duty & Sturdy Enough To Ensure
1. Consistent & Trouble-free Operations
2. Smooth Running
3. Durable & Reliable In Operation
NS P-series Moulding Presses Are Available
1. Compression Type
2. Vacuum Type
3. Punching Type
Salient Features Of Ns P-series Moulding Presses
1. With Solid/ Fabricated Bolster
2. With Steel Pillars / Frame type
3. UP / Down stroke type
4. Suitable for 2/3/4 piece Moulds
5. Platen Heating by Electrical
6. Heaters/Thermic Fluids
7. Single / Multi Daylight Gap
8. Safety Grills & Interlocks
9. Complete Hydraulically operated
10. Fully Automated Operation with PLC
11. IoT Enabled / Industry 4.0 Product